Abhishek I Mishra Memorial Medical College and Research
Information Under Clause 3.3(a) of MSR August 2023
Get the right institute for your studies with AIMMMCR.

Dr. Chhanda Basu Mullick
Director AIMMMCR,
Previously Dean, AIMMMCR
Dr. Chhanda Basu Mullick has been serving as Professor & Head, Biochemistry since 2008 and has a teaching experience of more than 25 years in undergraduate and postgraduate medical institutions.
She graduated from RG Kar Medical College, Kolkata and did MD (Biochemistry) from University College of Medicine in 1997. She did PG Diploma in Cardiology (University of Calcutta) and PG Diploma in Family Medicine (CMC, Vellore). She did PG Diploma in Health & Hospital Management from Command Hospital, Eastern Command, Kolkata.
Academic Experience
She has been actively engaged in teaching and research with publication in national journals and has been invited to speak and chair in seminars and conferences of national and global repute. Her area of interest has been Dyslipidemia in Type 2 Diabetes and its clinico-biochemical correlations and she made research collaborations with institutes in this regard. She has been a mentor and guide to undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, and supervised PG thesis and ICMR STS projects, which went on to be selected at national and global forums. She has organised CME programmes and updates and has been invited as visiting faculty at different teaching institutions. She was received the Best Teacher Award at the medical institutions she taught at. She had also been a key member of Medical Education Unit and research committees
Clinical Laboratory Experience
She has been directing the Central Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory of the multispecialty teaching institutions as well as standalone laboratories for more than 25 years as Technical and Managerial Head responsible for method development, resource management, business planning, budgeting and cost control, clinical governance, audit review, control and custody of data as well as clinical research and consultation. She has been the Technical Assessor of NABL Audit and Assessment of Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory (ISO15189: 2022) since 2012 and has been associated with laboratory accreditation and quality oversight for last 10 years. She has conducted workshops and seminars on quality management, internal audit and laboratory accreditation, laboratory safety and biological safety and has guided laboratory technologists and PG students in technical areas of laboratory practice.
Clinical Experience
She has been a practitioner of Family Medicine & Cardio-diabetes for more than 20 years at multispecialty hospital clinics, including voluntary service at several non-profit organization. She has been associated with the International Diabetic Federation at Brussels.
Managerial and Administrative Experience
She has supervised monitoring and evaluation of government programmes including District Tuberculosis Control Programme at Digri, Midnapore. She had been the visiting faculty of Hospital Administration at IISWBM, Kolkata. Her experience in academic management and Clinical Laboratory management spans over 25 years.
She was invited as speaker and chairperson in several forums, namely, Diabetes Awareness Programme, Mind Body Medicine, Precision Medicine and Cervical & Breast Cancer at various conclaves like Kolkata Doordarshan’s Suswasthya programme, Loreto College, Kolkata and Dept of Biochemistry, Georgetown University, Washington DC.
Voluntary Service
She has been associated with Ramakrishna Mission, West Bengal, Missionaries of Charity, Kolkata, Sri Sathyasai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Bangalore and various other charity organisations.
Her comprehensive track record in medical teaching and research, as a clinician and in health management and administration is consistent with the academic and administrative rigour of undergraduate and postgraduate medical education as well as inter-professional and community engagement.