Abhishek I Mishra Memorial Medical College and Research

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Vision of Abhishek I Mishra


You are welcomed at Abhishek I Mishra Memorial Medical College and Research, managed by the reputed Shri Gangajali Education Society, Bhilai, in the field of education in the underdeveloped region of Chhattisgarh. It is a matter of proud to be associated with such an education society whose chairman, hon’ble Shri I.P. Mishra is inspiration for many.

As there is a significant difference between the doctor/population ratio of our country as compared to that of the developed countries like U.S.A. & many European countries it has become necessary to increase the number of medical institution for increasing the number of trained doctors so as to make up the difference of doctor/population ratio. But merely this is not enough. The real task is to create able, efficient, cornpassionate and creative doctors to take the responsibility not only of the patients but also to that of the Indian society i.e. "Bharatwarsh ". And with this very aim our Gangajali Education Society with its dynamic president hon’ble Shri I.P. Mishra entered in the venture of medical education and research.

We are aware that while comparing our nation’s health to that of the developed countries the self-respect of our nation and glorious national culture must not be overlooked. This awareness has made a distinct impact, as after a phase of globalization of last few decades, European nations & U.S.A. who were vehement propourders of globalization are showing inclination towards their national interest and schemes like Obamacare in U.S.A. whose first priority is declared to be their own national health & economy. With this responsibility of producing efficient & compassionate doctors competing global knowledge and skill & keeping them in line with national & cultural pride I have been associated myself with this institute.

I strongly hope that we inculcate this spirit of nationality, national pride and compassionate humanity in the budding doctors in the Shri Shankarcharya Institute of Medical Sciences.

Ex-Vice President ,
Shri Gangajali Education Society