Abhishek I Mishra Memorial Medical College and Research
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our departments

Department of Anatomy
The Department provides the best possible resources to staff and students to enable research, teaching and learning to occur effectively and ensure that the highest health and safety standards are achieved by:
Facilitating the professional development of members of the Department.
Continuing to develop the Department's existing space.Ensuring that our department possesses the best quality equipment. Ensuring that all aspects of the Department's facilities conform to the highest health and safety standards.
Number |
Two |
Capacity 75 -100 Students |
75 Students |
AV Aids required |
Available |
Area |
326 |
Sq.mt. |
Capacity |
180 |
Students |
Lockers |
165 |
Lockers |
Wash basins |
25 |
Embalming Room |
12 Sq. Mt. (Embalming Machine - 2) |
Storage Tanks |
4 (One Cement - 5.25 Sq. mt.) |
(Two Fiber - 3.6 Sq.mt. each |
Cold Storage |
Two(19.71 Sq.mt. each) (Capacity 6 each) |
Cadavers |
7 dissected 7 in tank |
Skeleton |
5 Artificial |
Disarticulated Bones |
10 in Dept. |
Area |
230 Sq.mt |
Capacity |
90 Students |
Preparation Room |
18.28 Sq.mt. |
Cupboard for Microscopes, Water tap |
Sinks, Electric Point |
Microscope |
91 |
Dissection Microscopes |
5 |
Projection Microscope with camera |
1 |
Area |
55 Sq.mt |
Area |
200 Sq. mt. |
Seating capacity |
35 Students |
Racks and Shelves |
Available |
Revolving stand for skiagram |
NA |
CT Scan + MRI |
NA |
Trolly Tables |
NA |
X- ray view box |
4 |
Attached Rooms |
2 |
Catalogues |
3 |
Specimens |
164 |
Charts and Models |
100 |
X- rays |
52 |
Area |
30 Sq.mt. |
Books Number |
151 (69 Repeated + Actual 82) |
Professor and HOD |
20 sq.m |
Associate Professor |
1 |
(20 Sq.m each) |
Assistant Professor 3 |
2 |
( 12 Sq.m each) |
Tutor |
1 |
(15 Sq.m each) |
Departmental office cum clerical room |
1 |
(12 Sq.m each) |
Working accommodation for non-teaching staff |
1 |
(15 Sq.m each) |

Department of Anaesthesia
The Department of Anaesthesia Provides service for exhaustive pre-operative checkup and diagnosis comprehensive intra operative care and regular postoperative intensive care for patient undergoing surgeries . It aims to provide practical and quality education to UG and PG students alike and hands on training in all procedures.
The Department pursues interdisciplinary research in collaboration with other surgical and non surgical departments.
- Screening and Diagnosis
- Patient optimization
- Pre op counseling
- General and Regional anesthesia techniques
- USG Guided Peripheral Nerve Blocks
- Fiber optic intubation
- Multimodal Pain Management
- Difficult intubation
- Difficult central venous access
- Extubating of critical post op patients.
- Pain management using epidural
Future Plans
- To start an advanced pain clinic
- To undertake more research work in the field of Anesthesiology

Department of Biochemistry
Biochemistry provides molecular knowledge and chemical insights for the biomedical sciences. A focus of research and training in the Department of Biochemistry is the atomic interaction that give form and specificity to biological function. Within this context. the research programs in the department explore the structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids including the analysis of protein-inhibitor, protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions.. the faculty of our department use, and in some case have developed, modern methodologies including X-ray, mass spectrometry proteomics technology, synchrotron irradiation foot printing, molecular genetics manipulation and computational chemistry. These methods are applied to important problem of human health and development.
Biochemistry provides molecular knowledge and chemical insights for the biomedical sciences. A focus of research and training in the Department of Biochemistry is the atomic interaction that gives form and specificity to biological function. With this context the research programs in the department explore the structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids including the analysis of protein-inhibitor, protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions. The faculty of our department use, and in some case have developed, modern methodologies including X-ray, mass spectrometry proteomics technology, synchrotron irradiation foot printing, molecular genetics manipulation and computational chemistry. These methods are applied to important problem of human health and development.
List of Important Instruments in the Biochemistry Department of College
- Chromatographic Chamber
- Electrophoresis apparatus
- P H Meter (Digital)
- Spectrophotometer
- Vortex Mixure
- Digital Colorimeters
- Microscopes
- Semi Automated Analyzer (Benesphera)
- Urinometers
- Glucometer with Strips
- Boiling water bath
- Constant temperature water bath
List of Instruments in the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory
- BS 240 Pro Auto Analyzer ( Mindray)
- Semi Automatic Analyzer (Benesphera)
- Electrolyte Analyzer (Avantor)
- Centrifuge Machine (Remi R – 8c)
- Elisa Reader. (Benesphera)
- Incubator. (Coslab)
- Water Bath. (Coslab)
- Micropipettes
- CLIA 1000i Mindray
- Wondfo (fincare plus)
S. No. |
Test Name |
Materials |
1 |
Glucose Fasting |
2 |
Glucose Post Prandial |
3 |
Glucose Random |
Renal Function Tests |
- Blood Urea |
- Serum Creatinine |
- Serum Uric Acid |
5 |
Liver Functions Tests |
- Total Bilirubin |
- Direct Bilirubin |
- Alkaline Phosphatase |
- Total Protein |
- Albumin |
- Globulin |
6 |
Lipid Profile |
- Total Cholesterol |
- Triglycerides |
- HDL Cholesterol |
7 |
Serum Calcium |
8 |
Serum Magnesium |
9 |
Serum Phosphorus |
10 |
Serum Electrolytes |
- Sodium |
- Potassium |
- Chloride |
11 |
Thyroid Function Tests |
- T3, T4, TSH |
12 |
HBA1c |
13 |
Vitamin 12 |
14 |
Vitamin D |

Department of Community Medicine
Department of Community Medicine provides conducive learning environment to the students. We give more emphasis on community-based student-centered learning. Department has team of well experienced teaching staff from various renowned institutions.
The mission of department of Community Medicine is :
- To provide community-based learning environment to the students.
- To develop competent community health professionals.
- To provide preventive, promotive and curative health services to the population catered by health centers.
- To conduct research on various priority public health problem, present in the community.
- In addition to the routine academic activities, department is actively involved in various other activities like
- Organization of health check up camps in collaboration with clinical department
- Conduction of health awareness camps
- School health check up
- Implementation of national health program.
- Organization of family survey and field visits to the institutions of public health importance.

Department of Dentistry
Department of Dentistry, also known as Dental and Oral Medicine, is a branch of medicine that consists of the study, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions of the oral cavity, We give more emphasis on community based student centred learning. Department Our team team of well experienced teaching staff from various renowned institutions.

Department of Dermatology
Dermatology derived from the Greek word ‘DERMATOS’ , is the speciality dealing with the study of skin & its appendages. conditions affecting the skin contribute significantly to the global disease burden.
We treat :
- Clinical dermatology
- STD & Leprosy .
- Aesthetic Dermatology & Chemical peels.
- Laser for - hair reduction - pigmentary disorder
- Skin biopsy & Histopathological examination .
- Phototherapy for Psoriasis , vitiligo & atopic dermatitis
- Electrocautery & intralesional injection
- Microneedling radiofrequency for scar
- Patch test for allergic contact dermatitis

Department of Otorhinolaryngolog...
The department of otorhinolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery is involved in the diagnosis and providing treatment for condition affecting the ear, nose, throat, head and neck and related regions shared with other .The department is also fully dedicated for surgical treatment and repair due to primary tumors of head and neck.
The department treats patients of all age group. The department is performing numerous surgeries with special focus on ear microsurgery, endoscopic and open surgeries of nose and sinuses, surgeries for voice disorder, oncosurgery and maxillo-facial injuries.
The department is well equipped to handle emergency conditions like foreign bodies in aero-digestive tracks for both pediatric and adult patients.
The department also treat patients with hearing loss (deafness) and speech disorder it has fully functional Audiology unit attached with the otorhinolaryngology department. It also treats patients with vertigo and tinnitus.
The department provides enriched clinical training and research for undergraduates and post graduate medical students with regular academic activities like case presentations, seminars, journal club presentations. The department has a well-equipped temporal Bone dissection Laboratory, Museums and department library apart from the central library of the institute.

Department of Ophthalmology
The Department of Ophthalmology provides services for effective diagnosis, treatment and research in eye diseases and disorders. It aims to provide good quality patient care to all sections of the society along with teaching and hands-on training of undergraduate (MBBS) and postgraduate students. The Department pursues inter-disciplinary research in collaboration with other departments. The Department currently provides Outpatient services, O.T., eye donation services and emergency services (any type of ocular injury e.g. trauma RTA, cracker, wooden, knife, ball, chemical (chuna) etc.
- Computerized eye testing
- Glass prescription
- Slit lamp Biomicroscopy
- Ocular Foreign body removal
- Chalazion incision & drainage
- Fundus/ Retina examination (direct & Indirect ophthalmoscope 20D,90D,78D)
- A - Scan (lens power calculation)
- Yag Capsulotomy
- Laser Peripheral Laser Iridectomy
- Special Clinics
- Retina
- ROP Screening
- Retina Laser (Green Laser)
- Injection Intravitreal (Inj. anti VEGF)
- B- Scan (Sonography)
- OCT(Ocular coherence Tomography)
- Fundus Photo
- FFA (Fundus Fluroscein Angiography)
- Glaucoma
- Medical management of glaucoma
- Applanation Tonometer
- Gonioscopy
- Perimetry / Humphrey visual field (HVF)
- Pheripheral Laser

Department of Forensic Medicine ...
The department deals with teaching and training of medico-legal aspects of patient care. The undergraduate students are taught Forensic Medicine with a view to impart knowledge about Medico-legal aspects of ailments & make them responsible medical practitioners. They should also be able to extend aid to criminal investing authorities regarding Medical-legal matters. The students also learn about law in relation to medical practice, medical negligence and learn to understand the relevance of code of medical ethics. The development has well equipped museum displaying various kinds of weapons, poisons, Specimens & photographs.
- Future plans
- Planning to start postmortem examination soon.
- Clinical Forensic Medicine work.

Department of General Medicine
Internal medicine/ general medicine is the medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases. Physicians specializing in internal medicine are called internists. or physicians. Internists are skilled in the management of patients who have undifferentiated or multisystem disease processes. Internists care for hospitalized and ambulatory patients and may play a major role in teaching and research. Because internal medicine patients are often seriously ill or require complex investigations, internists do much of their work in hospitals. Internists often have subspecialty interests in diseases affecting particular organs or organ system.
The Division of General Internal Medicine at AIMMMCR, Bhilai. is a group of specialist doctors and allied health staff who are dedicated in providing patient centred, evidence-based medical care in a clinical environment supported by education and research. This division embodies the mission of AIMMMCR hospitals -To bring healthcare of international standards within the reach of every individual by achieving high standards of clinical care by integrated clinical practice, education and research.

Department of Microbiology
Microbes are essential for maintaining life on Earth. They comprise more than 50% of the life-forms on our planet, yet only around 1% have been identified and studied. Pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites can attack our bodies and we rely on our immune system to protect us. Thus the relationship between microbes and immune cells is critical for our survival.
Investigations Carried out in CCL (Microbiology Section)
- Bacteriology
- Serology & Virology
- Parasitology
- Mycology
- Immunology
- Tuberculosis

Department of Obstetrics and Gyn...
It is handling Level 5 endoscopic surgeries including:
Department of obstetrics & Gynaecology is fully equipped with state of art endoscopy unit with Laparoscopic wertheim's, Laparoscopic tuboplasty, Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy, etc. on a regular basis.
Cancer screening program is successfully conducted on OPD basis where patients are screened by
- PapSmear
- Colposcopy
- Advanced Thermocoagulator
Highly advanced infertility clinics are conducted with all modalities of treatment options available.
Menopause clinic has BMD machine and special uro-gynaecology services to tackle the problems with TOT and TVT.
The obstetrics unit has the facility of painless labour and wireless NST machine which can be monitored by all the consultants on their android phones.
The critical care unit of obstetrics is highly acclaimed unit with extremely low mortality rate.

Department of Orthopaedics
Department of Orthopaedics is providing its world class services
Dedicated orthopaedics operation theatres are modern, modular type with laminar flow. It has two C-arms, world class fracture table, anaesthesia station, four sets of general orthopaedics fracture fixation instrument sets, spine surgery set, Arthroplasty instruments sets for THR and TKR, Knee and shoulder arthroscopy and all necessary equipment.
There's a full-fledged physiotherapy centre for our patients attached to our department. Department caters almost 125+ patients in OPD daily, 10+ emergency cases in casualty, operates 7-10 major cases, 10-15 minor/daycare cases on daily basis. We also run special clinics daily from 2.30-4pm.

Department of Pathology
Pathology is the study and diagnosis of disease through examination of organs. tissues, bodily fluids, and whole bodies [autopsies].
General Pathology : General pathology is a broad and complex scientific field which seeks to understand the mechanisms of injury to cells and tissues, as well as the body's means of responding to and repairing injury. Areas of study include cellular adaptation to injury, necrosis. inflammation, wound healing and neoplasia. It forms the foundation of pathology, the application of this knowledge to diagnose diseases in humans and animals. The term "general pathology” is also used to describe the practice of both anatomical and clinical pathology
Facilities Available
Department of Pathology is committed to offer every essential diagnostic facility for patient care and management. with emphasis on strict quality assurance for every section of the Department. Presently. the Department provides Hematology. Clinical Pathology. Cytology and Histopathology services.
The Cytopathology section provides facility for Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology [FNAC], cervical smear screening, fluid cytology and cell blocks.
The Hematology and Clinical Pathology services include complete hemogram, hemoparasite detection, ESR, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, reticulocyte count, basic coagulation workup, urine routine and microscopic examination and fluid cell counts.
The Histopathology section provides routine histopathology services, special stains (histochemistry) and opinion review on outside slides and blocks. In a few days facility for immunohistochemistry will be available in the Histopathology section of the Department.

Department of Pediatrics
Healthy children are the forerunners of tomorrow' 5 prosperous nation. A healthy child is not only a child free from diseases but a child who is growing, developing and enjoying the essence of childhood at fullest for his/her potential.
We Apart from offering treatment for common as well as uncommon and complicated disorders seen in children we give due emphasis on the importance of promotive environment and productive education in upbringing of children.
Facilities Available
- Pediatric OPD services
- Common pediatric ailments treatment (pediatric wards)
- Critical care of neonates and pediatrics (NICU, PICU)
- 24x7 Emergency services
- Immunization services
- Specialty clinics
- Child Welfare, Child Guidance and Rehabilitation Clinics
- ROP, OAE screening
- Breastfeeding and child nutrition counseling services
- Well trained and experienced faculty and resident doctors
- Bedside Ultrasound -/ XRAY /ECG

Department of Pharmacology
Our mission is to provide outstanding education and training in pharmacology to students that will develop a competent medical graduate equipped with contemporary knowledge in pharmacology and therapeutics who can provide safe, effective and economic therapeutic care to the society and to maintain this competence throughout his/her professional life.
Apart from didactic lectures, teaching also involves practical classes in pharmacology, practical in experimental pharmacology, demonstrations, tutorials and group discussions on clinically oriented problems, drug display and seminars related to pharmacology. We also encourage students to actively take part in research.
The objectives of the course are to impart the knowledge of clinical pharmacology and practical therapeutics, including fundamental principles, mechanisms of action, rationales for drug selection, optimization of drug therapy, and assessment of therapeutic efficacy and outcome. This includes addressing the following aspects of clinical pharmacology and practical therapeutics:
- To review the principles of clinical pharmacokinetics.
- To enhance students’ ability to evaluate critically, and use effectively, current information sources on clinical pharmacology and therapeutics.
- To know the “essential drugs” and their common side effects and practice rational use of medicines.
- To encourage students to take part in pre-clinical toxicity studies, clinical and basic research.
- To present students with practical information on the clinical pharmacology of the major drug classes and the application of such information to the solution of therapeutic problems.
- To apply the knowledge imparted to individually carry out preventive and curative medicine with respect to the commonly encountered health problems in the community.
- To know the basics of pharmacovigilance and apply the same in detecting and reporting adverse drug reactions.
The department has fully equipped laboratories namely; Experimental Pharmacology Laboratory, Computer Assisted Learning Laboratory, Clinical Pharmacology cum Pharmacy Laboratory and Research Laboratory.
Keeping in mind, the fast evolving science of Pharmacology, the museum is equipped with drug samples, charts, herbal specimens and a section of history of medicine.

Department of Physiology
Human Physiology is the department where the students learn about the normal functioning of all the systems of the body at gross as well as the cellular and molecular level. This knowledge helps the students to learn and understand the variation in the normalcy and basis of pathology, pharmacology and medicine. Physiology hence also called as mother of clinical subjects. It is the only branch of medicine which has received most of the NOBEL PRIZES. The students learn the basic clinical skills, hematological investigations, pulmonary and cardiac function tests, interpretation of ECG in Physiology before going to the clinical subjects. The department also boasts of having single and multi channel digital physiographs, computerized spirometer, VEP, BERA, NCV, Autonomic function lab all of which are used in the research by the faculty members and are also to demonstrate various electrophysiological recordings to the students. The dedicated faculty is always ready to help the students to make the subject interesting and more meaningful.
The Department of Physiology, is located on the first floor of the college building of AIMMMCR.
- The department is actively involved in teaching the undergraduate & post graduate students and research.
- Teaching is carried out in the form of didactic lectures, practicals and demonstrations, tutorials, seminars, microteaching; problem based learning, group discussions, quiz sessions and Journal clubs, early clinical exposure.
- We have lately acquired the animal simulator for teaching the animal experiments to the students
Infrastructure include
- Air-conditioned lecture theatre with interactive audio-visual system
- Hematology laboratory
- Clinical Physiology laboratory
- Amphibian laboratory
- Mammalian laboratory
- Research laboratory
- Demonstration room- with interactive audio-visual system
- Museum
- Departmental library cum Seminar room

Department of Psychiatry
The Department of Psychiatry AIMMMRC provides treatment for a variety of mental and emotional disorders. It offers both out-patient and in-patient facilities for all age groups. The department is involved in teaching and research. The department is recognised for Doctor of Medicine (MD) by the National Medical Council. The department consists of a dedicated team of Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatric Social Workers, & Psychiatric Nurses. Currently, the department has two separate wards for 15 female and 15 male patients including beds dedicated for emergency service in the acute care room.
Facilities available:
- Speciality Clinics : Child & Adolescent Psychiatry ClinicDe-addiction ClinicMarital & Psychosexual ClinicGeriatric Psychiatry Clinic
- Emergency Psychiatry Services
- Consultation liaison servises
- Biofeedback
- Pentothal abreaction
- Counselling & Psychotherapy
- Psychological Tests

Department of Radiology
Radiology is a medical speciality that uses imaging to diagnose and treat diseases seen within the body. A variety of imaging techniques such as X-Ray, Ultrasound, computed tomography [CT]. Nuclear medicine, mammography including positron emission tomography (PET). And magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to diagnose and treat diseases. Interventional radiology is the medical procedures with minimal invasive technique under guidance of imaging technologies.
In our radiology department, we use X-rays and different types of equipment’s to diagnose and treat various diseases, we offer both diagnostic and interventional radiology services. The services we offer include X-ray, CT scan, Ultrasound,Intervention procedures etc. and all these services are provided in a safe and comfortable environment.

Department of General Surgery
The Department of General Surgery is fully equipped and well-staffed. It includes male and female wards, OPD, the state of art operation theatres, rooms for all faculties, SR’s and JR’s, skills lab, , UG demonstration room, Library, Research lab and Museum with adequate specimens. & department office. With faculty strength of, the department caters to all surgical emergencies 24x7The department of surgery was established since the day of college institution and the department has grown in leaps and bounds.. The well-trained nursing staff and the ward boys, present round the clock, ensure smooth running of operation theatres, IPD & OPD. The OPD runs from 9:00am to 4:00pm on Monday to Saturday. It offers education to medical, physiotherapy and nursing undergraduates.