Abhishek I Mishra Memorial Medical College and Research
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Dr. Dulani Rajesh Kumar
Medical Superintendent, AIMMMCR
Present Designation - Medical Superintendent & Professor
Department - Dept. of Orthopedics
College - Abhishek I Mishra Memorial Medical College and Research
City - Durg, Chhattisgarh
Telephone - 07884088833
E-mail - rajeshkdulani@gmail.com
- M.B.B.S. Feb/March 1997 - Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya Jabalpur (M.P.)
- M.S. (Orthopedics) July 2000 Pt. JLN Medical college Raipur, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur(C.G.)
- Pursuing PhD at DMIMS DU wardha in Orthopaedics
- Approved for PG teacher from DIMIMS University Wardha & MUHS Nashik Employment
Previous Employments
- Pofessor & Head, Department of Orthopaedic,
- JNMC, DMIMS DU from 2009 till 2014
- Asso Prof. Department of Orthopaedics JNMC Wardha from Jun 2006 to Aug 2009
- Asst. Prof. Department of Orthopaedics JNMC Wardha Jun 2001 till Jun 2006
- Senior Registrar Under Dr. K. T. Dholakia at Bombay hospital , Mumbai from Sept 2000 to Jan 2001
Professional Participitation
- Permanent Member Of Indian Orthopaedic Association
- Permanent Member Of VOS, CGIOA, DOA
- Founder Member and Chairman of Wardha Orthopaedic society & Rajnandgaon Orthopaedic Society
- Specialty training in Orthopedics for 3 year At Pt. J.L.N.Medical College, Raipur, India From Jun 1997 under guidance of Prof.Subeer Mukherjee.
- Senior Resident under Dr K T Dholakia, Bombay Hospital, Mumbai 2000
- Short term Fellowship in Spine surgery at Colorado Medical USA Denver 2011
- Basic course in Microsurgical technique Mumbai 2003
- Basic workshop in Medical education technology Wardha
- Advance workshop in MET Nodal Center wardha
- Workshop on Research Methodology Wardha
- Dale Carnigie Personality development training Wardha
- Ponseti Workshop at Rajnandgaon & Raipur
Workshop & Conferences Attended
- Directorate National Board crash Course at Indore 1999
- I.O.A Conference Dec 1998 Jabalpur
- C.Z.CON. Jan 2000 Bhopal
- Management of Intraarticular fracture Symposia Jan 2000 Bhopal
- Intensive Care Strategies in Orthopedics Dec 2001 Ahmedabad
- A.O. Seminar on Pelvic Fractures Dec 2001 Ahmedabad
- Orthopedics Education & Research Dec 2001 Ahmedabad
- I.O.A. Conference 2001 Ahmedabad
- C.M.E at IOACON 2001 Ahmedabad
- Live Demonstration Surgery & Workshop On T.K.R. & Symposium on O.A. Knee 2002 Wardha
- Advance Hand Surgery course 2002 Pune
- Vidharbha Ortho Conference 2002 at Nagpur
- Basic Course on Microsurgical Techniques 2002 Mumbai
- Asia pacific conference. on Trauma at Coimbatore 2003
- Woc Sicot Inland Fellowship 2003
- Live demonstration surgery & symposium on Primary THR 2004Wardha
- IOACON 2004 at Agra Dec 2004
- Symposium on hip & Knee surgery Nagpur Aug 2005
- VOSCON Chandrapur Oct 2005
- IOACON 2005 Mumbai
- Workshop on Endoscopic spine surgery 2006 Wardha
- Workshop on Arthroscopy Surgery New Delhi Cantt hospital 2006
- OASSAP & OASSIS Conf at Titupathi 2006
- CME on Locking plate at Nagpur 2006
- Trauma Society Course 2007 Nagpur
- Workshop on Shoulder Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Mar 2007 New Delhi
- Advance Workshop on Medical education Technology Wardha Mar 2007
- Workshop on paediatric orthopaedics Nagpur 2007
- MOACON 2007 Amravati
- ROC symposium on THR & TKR 2007 Delhi
- AO Basic course Trauma at Bhuneshwar 2009
- Workshop on Acetabular fixation 2010
- AO advanced course at Mumbai 2010
- Workshop on Ponseti in CTEV Wardha 2011
- VOSCON 2012
- Ponseti workshop 2014
- IOACON 2015
Workshop and CME Organized
- CME on critical Care in Orthopaedics 7th July 2010
- CME on Injection Technique in various Orthopaedics condition. 24th July 2010
- Live Demonstration of “Vacuum Assisted Dressing 23.02.2011
- CME on VTE Interactive Video on: Risk assessment, an essential toll to successful VTE Prophylaxis 14/05/2011
- Symposium on research and Publication 07/08/2011
- CME on : "New innovation in Orthotics & Prosthetics field” 14th Oct 2011
- Symposium on musculoskeletal tumor April 20012
- Workshop on acetabular fracture Aug 2010
- Symposium on critical care in Orthopaedics July 2010
- Symposium on Rheumatoid Arthritis Aug 2009
- Ponseti symosium 2015 Rajnandgaon
- CGIOACON 2015 Rajnandgaon Research, publications & presentations
- Research on result of two operative procedures For treatment of Congenital Talipes Equinus Varus deformity
- Paper Presentation on CTEV at Bhopal CZCON 2000
- Paper presentation on DHS/PFN for unstable IT fracture at SILVOSCON Nagpur 2006
- Paper presentation Floating Knee MOACON 2007 Amravati
- Paper Presentation prognostic grading for floating CGIOACON 2008
- Poster presentation on Incidence of DVT after major Lower limb surgery
Guest Lectures and Chairing Session
- Rheumatoid Arthritis of Hip & hand JNMC Wardha
- Surgical site infection and biomedical implant JNMC Wardha
- Damage control in Orthopaedics JNMC Wardha
- Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty in Fracture Neck Femur Nagpur
- DVT prophylaxis in major Lower limb surgery Nagpur
- Lumbar Canal stenosis Ujjain MP
- Clinical significance of Drug Resistance JNMC Wardha
- Overview of Musculoskeletal tumor JNMC Wardha
- Conservative Management of Knee Arthritis JNMC Wardha
- Overview of research from India JNMC Wardha
- Chaired in regional and national conferences
List of Publications
- PK Singh, S Shrivastva, R Dulani .Outcome of management of distal radius fractures in postmenopausal women:experience from rural India Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma. 2011, 10 (1), 43-46
- PK Singh, S Shrivastva, R Dulani, A Yadav. Surgical site infection and clinical microbiology in orthopaedics surgeries in a rural hospital. Journal of Hainan Medical University, 2011
- PK Singh, S Shrivastva, R Dulani.Pre-hospital care of spinal cord injury in a rural Indian setting. Rural and Remote Health. 2011; 11 (1760)
- PK Singh, P Banode, S Shrivastva, R Dulani. Pathological Fracture of the Fibula Due to a Late Presenting Posterior Tibial Artery Pseudoaneurysm: A Case Report. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American).2011; Case Reports 93 (10), e54 1-45
- PK Singh, S Shrivastava, R Dulani, A Yadav. Journal cover Journal of Hainan Medical University Journal of Hainan Medical University. 2011; 17 (2), 112-115
- R Dulani, S Shrivastava, P Singh. A rare case report: tubercular spondylodiscitis following lumbar disc surgery Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2010, 3 (6), 496-498
- PK Singh, H Sakale, S Shrivastva, R Dulani. Palliative surgical approach to rehabilitate spinal injury patient in Indian rural setup.Indian Journal of Palliative Care. 2010;16 (3), 160
- S Shrivastava, S Nawghare, R Dulani, P Singh, S Jain.A rare variant of tibial hemimelia and its treatment.Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B, 2009, 18 (5), 220
- A Agrawal, R Dulani, A Bhake, KM Hiwale, A Mahadevan, SK Shankar. Extensive gliosis in the wall of cervico-dorsal syrinx masquerading intramedullary tumor. Neurology India, 2009;57 (2), 229-230
- A Agrawal, R Dulani, A Mahadevan, SJ Vagaha, J Vagha, SK Shankar. Primary Ewing's sarcoma of the frontal bone with intracranial extension. Journal of cancer research and therapeutics. 2009,5 (3), 208
- Dr.R Dulani,Dr.P Banode,Dr.Samir D. Diagnosing deep vein thrombosis in patient undergoing major lower limb surgery by Color Doppler. Journal of DMIMS,2010
- Dr.S Dwidmuthe,Dr.S Shrivastava,Dr.R Dulani,Dr.Nagraj Shetty. Repair of lateral meniscus tear. Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedics 2010
- Dr Pradeep Singh,Dr Harshal Shakle,Dr Sandeep Shrivastva,Dr Rajesh Dulani. Extrinsic Erosion of Fibula and tibia in Hereditary multiple osteochondroma : a Case report. Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedics 2010
- Dr Pradeep Singh,Dr Harshal Shakle,Dr Sandeep Shrivastva,Dr Rajesh Dulani. Spinal stabilization: fortraumatic dorsolumbar spine: Results in rural set up. Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedics 2010
- Rajesh DULANI, Sandeep SHRIVASTAVA, Sameer DWIDMUTHE, Ravi PUROHIT. Closed total (pan-talar) dislocation of the talus with delayed presentation: a rare case report and review of the literature : Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 2012;18 (3):268-270
- Pradeep K. Singh, Sandeep Shrivastava, Rajesh Dulani, Pankaj Banode and Sharad Gupta.Dorsal Herniation of Cauda Equina Due to Sequestrated Intradural Disc, Asian Spine J. 2012 June; 6(2): 145–147.
- Romil Rathi, Nitin samal, Pradeep Singh, Sandeep Shrivastava, Rajesh Dulani Study of cervical epidural injection in management of cervical spondylotic radiculopathy. Journal of DMIMS vol 9 No1 , 2014.